4-H Volunteer Resource Center
To begin the application and screening process please visit the Volunteering with 4-H page on the Minnesota 4-H website and click 'Become a Volunteer' OR navigate directly to the Apply to become a 4-H volunteer page on the Minnesota 4-H website.
Welcome! Key resources for volunteer leaders
New or returning volunteers: screening or renewal steps
Cloverbuds: resources for working with younger youth
Club leaders: toolkit, agenda ideas, club officers
Curriculum library: lesson plans
Federation/Council: finances, Quickbooks guides
Activities: projects, events, icebreakers
Roles for volunteers: activity or project leader, chaperones, mentors
Safety: practical tips for all types of situations and activities
Training: online training, toolkits, tips on being inclusive and accessible
Questions about volunteering?
Contact Elaine Hardy, wagne079@umn.edu, 218-828-2276