Club leaders

Visit this UMN Extension page for resources for chartering, program planning, leading meetings, and more

Toolkit for club leaders

Find tools such as meeting outlines, club ceremonies, service learning projects, fundraisers and more.

Help your 4-H club set goals, plan activities and practice good communication. 

Find resources on understanding the positive youth development basics, Minnesota 4-H YDP essentials, celebrating youth achievements, conducting meetings, and managing behavior. This page links to a quarterly calendar guide to help your club prepare for club, county, regional, and state events.

Learn more about club and committee leadership roles and make a plan to support youth leaders (like Secretaries or Treasurers) in their roles.

4HOnline is our member database for youth members, families, and adults volunteers. Check out our 4HOnline leader user guide for learn more about this database.


Carrie Olson, Extension educator,, 320-589-1711