Horse project regional meetings

Learning experiences for 4-H'ers & adult volunteers

Minnesota 4-H regional horse meetings are designed to provide educational opportunities to 4-H'ers and adult volunteers. It also serves as a venue to discuss their programs and find new and better ways of doing things. The meetings serve to provide a communication tool to inform 4-H members and leaders as a way to learn new changes and policies and to have an avenue to provide feedback to the State Horse PDC through their regional representatives.  Regional meetings are held three times a year...2nd Saturday in October, January and April.

The next regional horse meeting will be Saturday, October 12, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. - Noon. 

Regional contacts & meeting minutes

NW Region

NE Region

Central Region

SW Region

SE Region

Regional meeting webinars

April 13, 2024 PowerPoint presentation (we apologize there is no recording due a technology issue)

January 13, 2024 webinar recording and PowerPoint presentation

April 1, 2023  webinar recording and PowerPoint presentation 

January 14, 2023 webinar recording and PowerPoint presentation

April 2, 2022 webinar recording Ranch Pleasure educational meeting

Frequently asked questions from regional meetings


Renee Kostick, Extension educator,, 218-232-5174

Amy DeGroot, regional support staff,, 218-828-2300