Project learning
Support 4-H'ers in their project learning
Visit the pages below to find resources to support youth in their learning through specific programs and projects.
Visit the UMN Extension Youth Development Curriculum Library for more project learning resources and lesson plans in STEM, horticulture, outdoor adventures, healthy living, civic engagement and more.
Visit the Minnesota 4-H website for general information and youth resources.
For all projects
The UMN Extension Youth Development Curriculum Library for more project learning resources and lesson plans in STEM, horticulture, healthy living, outdoor adventures, civic engagement, and more.
Utah 4-H produces a great curriculum series called "Discover 4-H." It's online and free to use.
Iowa 4-H also has great online, downloadable curricula. Just choose the project area that interests your youth.
The National 4-H curriculum collection contains free and for-fee resources for youth workers and volutneer youth workers.
Have expertise to share? You could have a big impact on youth by leading fellow volunteers. Visit the project leaders page to learn more.