animals & equipment
Safety when transporting animals & equipment
Livestock trucking
Individuals transport their own animals
The preferred option for hauling livestock is for individuals/families to transport their own animals.
The University of Minnesota has no oversight or responsibility for family organized trucking and in an accident situation would not have coverage for the vehicle or its contents.
Families are free to make arrangements for the transportation of their animals, similar to arrangements made for participation in any livestock show.
If the truck driver requires a contract with individual families, this is a relationship between the truck driver and the owner of the animal.
Both the driver and owner of the animal are assuming the level of risk and responsibility provided by law.
Commercial trucking
If Minnesota 4-H volunteers (as part of their role) are involved in coordinating the transportation of animals, a commercial trucker must be utilized and a contract completed and in place.
Work with the Local Extension Educator to obtain and complete a contract.
All contracts must be reviewed and signed by Extension Finance and Planning.
Contracts will only be entered into with truck drivers who carry insurance for the transportation of livestock owned by others.
Unless noted otherwise in the contract, insurance follows the owner of the vehicle. The University would have no coverage in an accident situation for the vehicle or its contents.
Cargo trailers are often used for the storage and transportation of 4-H program equipment as well as for the transportation of animals or 4-H exhibits to the Minnesota State Fair.
Owning a cargo trailer for the purpose of storing equipment is an acceptable practice for a 4-H federation/council as long as the trailer has been purchased and licensed through the University of Minnesota Fleet Services.
Work with the Local Extension Educator if the 4-H federation/council plans to lease, rent or own a cargo trailer or if an owned cargo trailer needs to be retired or liquidated.
The trailer will need to be pulled by a leased, rented or personally owned vehicle as Minnesota 4-H may not own motorized vehicles intended for use on public roadways.
If the trailer is involved in an accident, damage must be reported immediately.
Liability coverage extends from the vehicle policy to the trailer which means that in the case of bodily injury or property damage to a third-party, primary insurance will follow the owner of the vehicle.
The University is self-insured for property damage, including that to a trailer. Any expenses up to $10,000 are the responsibility of the unit (e.g. 4-H federation/council).
Pat Morreim, program manager,, 763-427-5428