Severe weather

Dealing with extreme weather conditions

Extreme heat

Most heat disorders occur when an individual is overexposed to heat or to over-exercising based on age and physical condition.

4-H programs, activities and outings should be prepared to modify programming as needed in extreme heat.

Guidelines for dealing with heat

Severe thunderstorms or tornados

Learn the differences between watches and warnings and have emergency plans in place for both.

Thunderstorm or tornado watch

Severe thunderstorm warning

Tornado warning

Follow all precautions above in watches and thunderstorm warnings.  Additionally:

Winter weather

When programs meet outside, watch for signs of hypothermia and frostbite

The decision to cancel a planned activity is no simple matter. The safety and well-being of 4-H members, volunteers and Extension employees is the top priority.

4-H programs, activities and outings should be prepared to modify programming as needed in extreme cold weather.

Consider these factors when deciding whether to cancel:


Pat Morreim, program manager,, 763-427-5428