planning & procedures
Be prepared for the unexpected
Develop a plan for handling potential emergencies.
Share the program plan with the Local Extension Educator to determine if any of the activities require additional accident (event) insurance be purchased to ensure coverage of participants. (Examples: snow tubing and downhill skiing are not covered under the county annual accident insurance policy.)
Before a 4-H program begins, request the following information from the Local Extension Educator for all 4-H members and keep all information confidential. Once the program is completed, ensure the information is destroyed.
Full name and age
Emergency contact information
Cell phone numbers
Health forms
Check health forms for all 4-H members participating in programs and activities.
Work with youth with allergies to help them avoid those items.
Inform parents/guardians that they must complete the “Authorization for Giving Medication” if they have a child who will require medication during a 4-H program which the parent/guardian will not be attending.
Contact the local Extension educator to obtain copies of the authorization form.
Designate a Minnesota 4-H volunteer or Extension employee to be in charge of giving medication.
Keep a copy of the 4-H Volunteer Emergency Contact card, provided by the Local Extension Educator, available at all 4-H programs, events, activities and outings. If an emergency occurs, follow all procedures listed on the emergency contact card.
If an accident occurs Minnesota 4-H volunteers should document the incident and work with the local Extension educator to complete an incident report. Document the following:
Date, time and location the incident occurred.
Name, address and phone number of the injured individual.
Description – provide detail on the conditions present and how the injury occurred (weather, construction, cleaning, etc.).
Extent of injuries
Medical care provided (example: first aid at the scene, transported to medical facility, etc.)
Names and phone numbers of any witnesses.
Make sure a first aid kit is available at all 4-H programs, activities and outings.
When using any indoor or outdoor space, ensure:
The space is clean, safe, secure and free of health hazards.
The space will accommodate individuals with differing abilities and needs.
Clean drinking water, hand washing stations and first aid supplies are available.
Pat Morreim, program manager, morre002@umn.edu, 763-427-5428