Working with youth online
Virtual activities for your club
Reminder: Even in a virtual meeting format, all 4-H events must include at least 2 screened 4-H volunteers
Hold your meeting online
A guide for staying connected to 4-H groups while physically apart to consider options for connecting virtually.
Keeping young people safe online. A guide to help you set up your program and interact safely.
Working with youth from a distance provides tips when you're not face to face.
Helping youth thrive: Creating connections virtually Tips for using Zoom, activities and more. Maine 4-H has this video to set up a Zoom for a virtual meeting.
Have members record and share themselves doing demonstrations.
Create a scavenger hunt
Ask members to find items in and around their homes, then post/share a picture with each item they find.
4-H at home
See activities for youth on the Minnesota 4-H website.
Kari Robideau, Extension educator,, 218-236-2013
Carrie Olson, Extension educator,, 320-589-1711