Club leader trainings

Trainings to help key or organizational club leaders

Managing 4-H clubs: a guide for club leaders

Club leaders have a very important role. You are a mentor, a motivator for young people, an organizer and coordinator with other adults in your club, and a liaison with the larger 4-H organization in your area. Extension staff designed this module to help with some of the typical management issues in 4-H clubs and bring all these pieces together to build an environment where young people thrive and grow.

Note: Training is temporarily not available due to the 4HOnline upgrade

Watch the managing clubs video

Alternative to 4HOnline

Click video to the left for a preview of the training.

Ice breakers & reflections

Learn how ice breaker and reflection activities help youth to develop social and emotional skills

Resolving conflicts

Become comfortable and consistent with dealing with conflict.

Keeping youth in 4-H

4-H club leaders often wish they had more members. What they often overlook is keeping the members they already have. Keeping youth in 4-H doesn't just happen. Youth programs that actively engage members in meaningful ways keep them coming back. If they're not engaged, they may find that their time is better spent elsewhere.

Note: Training is temporarily not available due to the 4HOnline upgrade

Alternative to 4HOnline


Trish Sheehan, Extension educator,, 320-235-0726